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This article was very interesting and enlightening cause it was something I can relate to. I am doing my practicum in a smaller company as a social media manager, and I like it because I learn different skills every time and I'm paid well even for an intern. So, a few weeks ago I was talking to my friends who have graduated and are either full-time workers or master's students. They were complaining about how exhausting and hard their jobs have been. They said they were tired of waking up early in the morning and doing paperwork in the office for a company or manager that doesn't even care about them. They continued by saying they don't even have time for family and friends anymore. Later, I said after graduation I'm hoping to continue my work in my practicum placement. They asked what my role was, and I told them I was a digital/social media manager. They all started laughing and saying, "don’t worry after graduation you will come to the real world it's not that easy. Social media is just for fun when you grow up and need actual money you will understand us." I was confused because I actually like my job. First, it's related to my degree, it's also work from home, and I also get to work and meet new people from different fields. Secondly, it's not like the job is easy it just fits my lifestyle better as it's more flexible, and since everything in this world is becoming digital, I get to develop my skills in that area. But they smirked and changed the conversation. So, while reading this article I could relate to what the writer was saying. People think that if you don't have a 9-5 job and your work isn't stressful it's not real. However, that’s wrong cause if you choose to be in that type of environment and work there it's fine but personally, I would like to have a balanced life between work, family, and myself. I don’t want to be in the office every day of the week without being able to take a break or even see my family. Success and dedication should not be measured by how stressful your jobs are and I hope that like the writer said people understand that the “lifestyle business” isn't for the weak or lazy.

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